Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Not quite the end, but almost there.

So I went back into my room, and her lamp was turned off (go figure) but she was still working on her computer. I climbed on Christine's dresser, pulled my pillow and blanket off my bed and came in the front room to sleep on the couch. Just as I was falling asleep she comes back into the room and turns the light on in the vanity. Needless to say, I woke up, yet again.

This was getting ridiculous.

I finally fell asleep, you know cause I could actually breathe and there was no light on, and was woken up at 7:45 by her again in the room making noise. I ended up not getting up when I wanted, I didn't have time to get ready for my 8 o'clock, and I couldn't move. I was ticked. So I went back to sleep.

My other roommates woke me up again around 8:45. They were talking about me, I know, because I was pretending to be asleep and I could hear quiet whispers. Not too sure what all they were saying, I just knew I was the object of the conversation. Jerks.

I couldn't move still, I was still exhausted, but I got up anyway and felt sick to my stomach--courtesy of the codeine, I'm sure. I just took a shower and I have to get ready for chapel.

I'm still in a horrible mood. Rightly so, if you ask me. They've got to be kidding themselves if they don't hear at least ten sarcastic remarks about last night later today. Shoot, they should be happy if that's all that happens. I'm ready to blow.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

This is a rant and rave.

I would just like to point out that it is 11:58 p.m. this night on November 13, 2007, that I became so enraged at my roommate I almost punched her.

Here's the scene:
I went to bed last night around 11 and fell asleep around 12, you know, because of the obscene loudness from the front room. I woke up at 6, as usual, before any of my roommates, to find that I had all this sinus pressure collected in the front of my face: behind my nose and eyes, to be more specific. I walked out of my 8 o'clock class this morning thinking that I was going to throw up and got into bed and took a two and a half hour nap. I slep through dorm devos and I thouroughly expect to be fined for it, but I could really care less. Why the nausea from the headache?


Now if you didn't know, we have two rooms for our apartment style dorm. A front room, where the desks are located, and a back one, where the beds are located. Henceforth, when I go to sleep I go to the back room, turn the lamp on, and shut the door. Why I hear my roommates, I have no idea. Furthermore, I sleep against the wall one the side furtherst from the A/C on the top bunk. I have a fan that points up to me.

Now, I realize I suffer from hypochondria, and I also know that sometimes I complain about things just to be funny, but this is not either of those matters. When I can't breathe at night, when I'm hot at night, when I wake up sweating because of the stale air, I get sick. Period. End of Story. I have asthma. It's hard for me to breathe sometimes, anyway.

So when the A/C is turned off, I get no air except the heat that circulates from my pathetic little fan. Hence the sinus pressure nauseating headache.

The nap proceeded to heal it. However, I was still tired around 9:30 tonight, after I went for a run. I showered, talked to my roommate Cami and went to bed promptly at 10:30. I planned on getting up at 6, you see.

Christine and Kelani get home from their volleyball game right after I had settled myself in bed. Well, great. Kelani needed to finish her homework, and where better to do it but at her dresser that is located next to my bed. Someone's cold, so the air is turned off. She turns on the lamp that is next to on her dresser startling me and abruptly waking me up from the sleep I was just falling into.

"Can you not do that in the front room?" I hope I rudely asked her.
"Honestly, no, because--"
"Okay fine, whatever," I hope I rudely interrupted her.

I heaved over, pulled the blankets up and tried to sleep. This was 11:15.
Pulling the blankets over my head usually works to block out the light and it muffles the noise, but it does not, NOT, create air. I was suffocating. Literally. And then I proceeded to hyperventilate. I got so mad I wante to punch her, but the fact that I could most likely be expelled for that restrained me. Instead, I got up, got my headphones, and went back to "sleep."

It's 12:10 and she is STILL UP WORKING.
It is still hot.
I am still not asleep.

I took a tylenol with codeine hoping that it will make me drowsy. Hasn't worked yet. And yes, mother, I fully realize the ramifications of what I just did. I probably won't wake up because I took it too late, and when I do wake up I will probably be sick because I took it on an empty stomach. I don't even care.

She just proceeded to ask me, "Does the light on that bed bother you?"

Here's my thing, I live in this room, too. I don't apologize for going to bed early, I don't apologize for not wanting to die when I sleep, and I don't apologize for any part of any of my routine. I LIVE HERE, TOO. Have some respect for me as a person and I'll do the same for you.

She's lucky I don't go in there and smash the light and throw the computer out the window.
No, it's not mean. It's justice.

It's 12:13. I decided I am going to huffily go back into the front room, make a big scene about getting my pillow and blankets, and come and sleep on the couch.

I shouldn't have to sleep on the couch. I shouldn't have to be the one that constantly breaks.
But this is how the story goes.

Friday, November 9, 2007

And this is how the story goes.

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays.

My alarm clock rings at 6:00 am. I wake up and continually hit the snooze button. I get up at 6:30 and take a shower. My day has started.

It takes me approximately 40 minutes to complete my morning routines, so I am ready for the day at 7:10. My class doesn't start until 8:00. I go to breakfast. I get a tray of food and sit at the booth, my headphones in my ears. I pull out my history textbook to catch up reading, or my notes to study for a test I have that day. I eat, I listen to my music, and I do homework. At 7:53, I put up my tray and walk to class.

It's computer applications. I sit there "listening" to the professor while Erica and I are in the back myspacing. When the class is over, everyone leaves except me. I don't have a 9:05 class, you see, so I pull out my books and headphones and do some more work. Or perhaps I go back to my room and do laundry, clean, or run errands.

At 10:10 I go to chapel. After the praise and worship is over, I pull out my books and do some more reading, unless the speaker just so happened to grab my attention. Or if it's prayer and praise chapel. After chapel I go to American History II. I listen to her powerpoints, underline notes in my book, and the class is over. Victoria and I eat lunch.

If today is Monday, I eat linger in the lunch room and go get ready for work in a few minutes. If today is Wednesday or Friday, I linger a little, go back to my room and prepare my notes for a test I have in the week, do some errands, clean, or study some more before my Bible Study class at 1:45. I sit in class, take notes, listen to the professor until 3:05. After, I return to my room, drop off my books, change into something a lot more comfortable, grab my whistle and I'm off to work.

I work until 6:00, unless my bosses have decided to leave early, then it's kind of understood that I will be staying there until the last kid leaves. We play outside, do paint projects, I help them with their homework, beat them mercilessly in go fish, and sign them out. Then I go back to school with Victoria and we head straight to the lunch room before it closes. We eat and I go back to my room to relax a little before we run at 7:00. After I run, I take a quick shower, change clothes, then go to the library to finish any homework I have left, I clean the room, or if there is nothing left for me to do, I hang out with Victoria and others in the lobbies and around campus.

At 10:15, I head back to my room and get ready for bed. If my roommates are in the room we talk a while. I usually crawl into my top bunk around 10:45, 10:30 if I'm lucky. The door is shut, the air is on, the lamp is lit so my roommates can see when they get to my room. I lay in bed listening to loud noises. Lately, they have decided to play volleyball in the front room, and they've been unusally loud. If I'm real lucky, I fall asleep around 11:15. But usually it's not until 12:30. I haven't decided why I still continue to go to bed so early if I'm still not going to fall asleep until so late. Around 3:30 am I awake with a start to find I have to go to the bathroom. They've left all the lights on, so I go around the rooms and turn them all off, then go back to sleep for another hour and a half until I awake again at 6:00am. Then my days starts all over again.

Of course, if today is a Friday, after we eat dinner we sit around trying to decide what we're going to do. Sometimes we dress up and go to Dallas and walk around. Sometimes we sit in the lobby and watch movies. Occasionally we go to the mall, but it usually makes us depressed that we're so poor. Mostly though, we sit around talking to other people about how there is nothing to do and how we're so poor to do anything anyway. At 1:00 am, I go back to my room and sometimes stay up later doing homework, or other things. I sleep in the next day until noonish.

Oh, the life of a college student.