Tuesday, October 30, 2007


"Hey girls, I'm sittin' with you," I say to the girls at the lunch table when I put my bag down and go get my tray. When I come back; however, they are leaving.
I suppose telling them I was going to sit there was synonymous with "Hey, please ditch me so I'll look like a loser."

Last night I crawled into my semi-comfy bed and pulled my sheets up. It was time to go to sleep, I thought I had conveyed that thought quite well. Apparently, though, getting into my bed is synonymous for "Let's try to keep Caitlin from sleeping." My roommate decided she had to do her homework in the back bedroom, with the lights on, the door open, while she sang.
Needless to say, didn't sleep much that night.

I went home for the weekend. It was a better trip than I thought. However, when I am not in the room that is synonymous for using my desk to put stuff on. I walked back in my room and found a pile of trash and a collection of odds and ends that I know for a fact was not there when I left. Hmm, now where could that have come from.

Room checks are every Thursday. The post-it note to remind us on the front bulletin board must be synonymous for "Caitlin never cleans" because all my stuff miraculously gets put away somewhere come Thursday night. It's a wonder to me when I walk into my room, you know, to start cleaning my stuff, and it's all put away. And I can't find it. I think they're hiding my stuff, as well, because I am missing more than just a few personal items.

Cleaning the playroom after forty kids is synonymous for leaving trash lying everywhere, because apparently we have no idea how to clean.

These are just a few examples of what my life has been like this past week. But it's okay, I am persevering, getting through, and I am almost done with my third semester of college.

Other news:
I have completed seasons one and three and half of season two of The Office, courtesy of Jordan Williams. That girl is the best cousin.

I want to be Raggedy Ann for Halloween, but I need a Raggedy Andy. Though no boy seems to want to take me up on this idea.

One of my co-workers is mad at me I do believe. Hey, it's not my fault I want him to work. Sheesh. He only comes in three days anyway. If I had it my way, I would fire him and hire someone better. Maybe he'll quit.

I took an open book/note test today. Easy as pie. And my theology class is cancelled. 2 whole hours of freedom before I go to work. I have lots of things to do. I should get started.

Three weeks, five days, and counting until Thanksgiving break. I expect you all to be there. Seriously. Oh, and by the by, an old friend will be coming along with me. I am quite content about this news, I'm not gonna lie.

Okay, well, I haven't officially unpacked from the weekend I went home, so I guess I should probably do that. It is probably annoying my roommates. But hey, I don't sleep, so I guess I don't really care.


See ya in three and a half weeks!

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