Tuesday, October 2, 2007

It's times like these.

"That's Caitlin. She hates me."
This is what Girl said when she "discreetly" pointed me out from across the room.

"I'm tired of you talking about me."
This is what Girl 2 said when asked why she was moving out of the dorm.

This is what I've discovered as of late: sagu people either hate me, or they think that I hate them.

Well, it's a good thing I'm at least ten times smarter than everyone to realize the stupidity of the situation.

Really, who needs people? I've got Victoria, three friendly roommates, and that's really all I need. To heck with everyone else. Sure, it gets a bit discouraging sometimes, but all I have to do is keep my head up and swim on.

You see, the thing is I'm apparently too smart to interact correctly with people on a lower intelligence level than I (I'm quoting my mother, don't comment on my vanity). I suppose social awkwardness is the price one pays for above average intelligence.

If I were a hypocrite, I would control my expressions and tone inflection, and I would simply smile and talk mess behind their back. Instead, I have to involuntarily make groaning noises or facial expressions that uncover my real feelings.

Dang my genuineness.

On a side note, I officially hate this school I go to. (Insert a disgruntled tone and horrid facial expression wherever you will.) A semi-close friend of mine just got kicked out for alleged homosexual tendencies. I say alleged because this person is nowhere near the same-sex preference nature nor does he possess enough effeminate qualities to make one think otherwise. He is an upstanding, Christian law-abiding person.

I see where the priorities lie. In the midst of speed mountains and sagunet proxies, we've come to expel those who possess different personalities and character traits than the standard norm. And we simply overlook those we have verifiable proof who deal drugs and have broken at least three major laws and should be in prison.

This is because sagu is afraid. The school is afraid of not having it's one unified, standard looking body. And they will do anything to achieve the magazine look of the school. Even if it means lowering our standards and not practicing the Biblical laws we preach.

That's right. I said it.
And I used the words "our" and "we."
I apologize. From here on out, I do not associate myself nor my morals with this school.
It's lost any respect I had left.


Jordan Williams said...

If I went to sagu we could schedule a protest of sorts. We could procrastinate about it and it would never get started.

I hate small school politics. LSU is much the same way, and I am eagerly awaiting my exit from that institution. Would a state school have been better.

Ah, our social awkwardness. People have no clue how to handle us.

Jordan Williams said...

Oops, I mean LCU. LSU is a state school in which I do not attend. Go...Tigers? No clue.