Sunday, January 13, 2008

I feel I must interject, here

I'm at the University of Houston now.
Lemme take it down real slow for you now.

My new roommate is Filipino and is exploring Islam, but for now she is agnostic. She plays guitar, is a computer gamer, and has a black power poster on our adjoining room. She went to a SUNY school in New York, grew up in Maryland, and has parents somewhere in Houston.

My neighbors are Adam and Jason, and the RA is Joel, the Floor Captain is Dennis.
The hall may be coed, but thank God for same-sex suites.
I told my roommate boys aren't allowed to sleepover.

It took me three days to move in, because my car was parked in some lot nearly fifty miles from the actual dorm. Okay, hyperbolization, but seriously, it was a stinkin long walk. Ask my dad, he'll tell ya for sure.

There is no Chi Alpha here, but there is a couple trying to start one. I went out with them on Friday night. I give them two thumbs way way up.

I went to my first floor meeting. It consisted of five minutes of us introducing ourselves to each other, though I'm pretty sure my roommate and I were the only new kids on the block. So it was pretty pointless. 'Cept the RA and some black dude had a debate on the quotation placement on one of the flyers.

We met our suitemates, Stacy and Karen. They're both Chinese and from Sugarland, and (drum roll please) CHRISTIAN! That's correct, family of mine, Stacy was wearing a fish necklace. Apparently they're non-denom/protestant. I'll take it. They're pretty nice. Stacy's lactose intolerant, and Karen likes anime.

The campus is at least twenty times the size of sagu. I've gotten lost twice since I've been here. It is pretty, though, lots of trees and flowers and stuff. It's like an allergy attack wating to happen.

I have no idea where my classes are. Good thing my first one doesn't start until 10 am.

One thing about UH: it's made me ridiculously poor. Seriously. I'm thinkin' about postin my address and beggin you all for cold hard cash. I'm not beneath that.

But I won't. It looks desperate.

My roommate wants to know when I'm going to bed tonight. I told her I was kind of an early-to-bed-er. I don't think she realizes it's only 7:52 and the last time I went to bed this early was freshman year when my mother made me.

Goin to do stuff, I guess. My roommate is shavin her arms. Wonder if that's some Islamic thing or somethin.


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