Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Well, that about sums it up.

Don't worry, this won't be too long.

Huffy is gone. Huffy was my bike that I got from my Uncle Bill. Ike stole him away from me. So now it's back to shin splints and sweat. Let's all pray that it gets colder real fast. Or that I develop superspeed. That would be sweet.

School is going amazingly great. A paper due Thursday over the Greek's polytheistic view of religion. I should probably get going on that.

Chi Alpha is now on campus! Woohoo! This makes it much more convenient and easier to reach other people. And tonight was our first XA girls' small group meeting. My suitemate, Katie, came. It allowed Katie to open up just a tad more to me afterwards. Fatuma is still fasting, and Katie and I are both attending another Ramadan feast tomorrow evening. I'm currently reading the Quran (though not as often as I should) and last night Fatuma opened up an entire open ended conversation about our God. I ended up telling her all about God's love and mercy and all sorts of things. (And to think it started with a question of being kosher.)

The Lord is continually amazing me. Katie is coming to XA on Thursday, Fatuma is starting to ask me questions about my faith, and school is going smoothly and easily. But I know this won't be as good as it gets.

I have to read a play now. It's 11:35, bed soon.

Night folks.

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